Sensoro IoT Startup

Leading IoT Tech Firm SENSORO Raises $18M in Series B

 Leading IoT Tech Firm SENSORO Raises $18M in Series B

SENSORO, a leading Internet of Things (IoT) sensor device and network technology company announced their securing of $18 million in Series B funding from Bosch, Sumitomo and Tsing Capital. Following first round financing of $10 million from Nokia Growth Partners in 2015, SENSORO's Series B investment serves as an endorsement of the company's vision and execution.

"The Internet of Things is happening today and will significantly transform the way how we live", says Hongquan Jiang, Partner at Robert Bosch Venture Capital GmbH. "We believe SENSORO's robust and easily deployable technologies will accelerate this transformation and change how we see our environment and make decisions. We are excited to see potential collaborations between Bosch and Sensoro in IoT."

"Our mission at SENSORO is to leverage technology to create a better, safer, and smarter way of life," said Vivian Li, SENSORO Co-Founder, CSO. "We are building technologies that will play a critical role in the IoT ecosystem and that will facilitate widespread implementation of intelligent resource management and life safety solutions." Read the full article here.

Sensoro IoT Startup

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